Modern Romance - The Crack Smoker

I can't say that I really enjoyed this Modern Romance experiment Allie and I created, but at least I can say I tried. It was nice to get out of the house, force myself outside my comfort zone and meet people whose paths I never would have crossed otherwise. I really tried to have an open mind when starting this but is everyone crazy or is it just me?! For the past year I have gone to drinks, dinners, attended a monster truck show and feared for my life a few times too many. 

In no particular order, I will share my experiences with these characters I met this past year. Here is the guy we named The Crack Smoker.

After a seemingly normal conversation, I agreed to go to dinner with him. I have heard you should never agree to a meal on the first date but after several standard first dates, I decided to switch it up. From the moment I said yes his level of sanity went from sane to questionable. He fired off question after question, each one not related to the other ie: Do you have any brothers or sisters? What kind of pizza do you like? Do you smoke? Are you a big drinker? Do you have road rage? Are you religious? What kind of car insurance do you have? All good questions to ask (except maybe the car insurance one) when you are trying to get to know a person. But perhaps save them for when you actually meet the person?

I was starting to get suspicious but when he launched into a long rant about how he “doesn’t fight fair” after Katrina and has learned that some people down here are “deceitful” and he “intimidates people when he is pissed”, and then followed up those statements with “So where can I pick you up tomorrow?” I was ready to block him; I mean he sounds like an alert situation! But I am really trying to be open-minded here so I asked him to elaborate. Turns out he doesn’t fight people but does have a bat in his car as a result of some things he saw shortly after Katrina. All the things he said he saw probably did happen. But then he added that “There are a lot of people in this city that do not value life, they will shoot or kill in an instant. All I’m saying is that I value you, and there is no greater gift to give than to give one’s life for another, and I would take a bullet for you.” My jaw dropped, clearly, this guy is smoking crack. He is offering to die for me and he hasn’t even met me! 

After that he called me and left a voicemail, he sounded so normal! For that reason, Allie told me I should have one drink with him. However, our one condition for going on a date with someone is that he is not voting for either Donald Trump or Ted Cruz (this took place before Ted Cruz dropped out). He said he hated Ted Cruz but was voting for Donald Trump. I thanked him for his honesty but I said I have very strong feelings about this. He went on to say just because our political beliefs are different does not mean we can’t get along which I agree with however my views of Donald Trump are moral, not political. I told him this and added that Donald Trump was racist, sexist and encourages violence and I would never get along with anyone who supports that.  I would also like to point out that my info on Hinge states #nevertrump to deter Trumpers from talking to me in the first place. To me, that is a pretty clear NO to meeting him but apparently, it was not clear to him. 

The next day he sent me six texts and called me twice with instructions on when and where to meet him. When I never responded or showed up he sent me this, “Please come, I promise u,  u will be treated with class… If not, I understand I’m the guy wearing a $500 stitched (hand made) shirt from a very busy upscale schedule.” I swear I can’t make this stuff up.

I am certainly the only person I know having these experiences but there have to be others out there! Are you there? Can we form a support group?


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