Modern Romance - Monster Trucks

It has been a long time since I have shared a character from my Modern Romance experiment. Whoops! A part of the book that stood out to us was about ghosting. Aziz polled his stand-up audience, have they had ever ghosted someone, most people raised their hands. He asked if they had ever been ghosted, most people raised their hands. He asked if they would have rather the person just tell them they weren't interested, most people raised their hands. If most people would rather be told the truth then why are we ghosting people!? Allie vowed to never ghost anyone and instead send them a nice text she would like to receive. She stuck to that and actually received a number of nice texts rather than being ghosted. In our experience, we discovered there are people out there who are sending that "not interested" text rather than saying nothing. However, ghosting is still the go-to option for ending things with someone which leads me to, Monster Trucks. 

Before the most bizarre human in New Orleans graced my iMessage, there was Monster Trucks. I went on a first date with Monster Trucks back in January, all week I had been telling Allie I really wanted my favorite mojito from St. Joe's. Monster Trucks asked if I wanted to meet him at St. Joe's. I was so excited, like are you a mind reader?! Are you a wizard?! I had to go and find out. Turns out he lives across the street and it was convenient for him to meet there. HA. Our first date was very normal and uneventful. About a week or so after Mardi Gras he asked me if I wanted to have dinner at Namese, a place Allie and I had just days before been talking about going to! I was convinced he was skilled at legilimens.

On our second date we went to dinner and went to drinks and it seemed to be going well. The next week I saw that the monster truck show was coming to New Orleans on Saturday. I had a goal of going on a date to a monster truck show ever since I read Aziz's book way back in August. The monster truck show only comes once a year so this was my only chance to go on Aziz's suggested date. I asked Monster Trucks (this is how he got his nickname) if we could go to the monster truck show and he immediately responded with "I'll get us tickets".

We went to dinner and then to the monster truck show, which was just as Aziz said, a great date activity for someone you are trying to get to know. I highly recommend it. In my head, things were going really well! I was wondering how we were ever going to top a monster truck show but the next week he asked if I would go with him to see a band in Baton Rouge. Even though the show was on a Wednesday and didn't start until 10 pm and was an hour a half away, I agreed to go. You aren't going to be 27 forever, right?! We drove all the way to Baton Rouge and arrived at the venue at 10 pm only to find the doors locked. Turns out, the show was NEXT Wednesday and he got the date wrong! HAHA, I thought it was funny and figured we would just go somewhere else but he said there really weren't any other options in Baton Rouge. So we headed home. I thought once we got back to New Orleans we would get a drink somewhere. It was late but we weren't just going to drive to Baton Rouge and then turn around and drive back and call it a night, right?! WRONG! I asked about doing something but he said he just wanted to drop me off at home. Whomp whomp. I was disappointed and I'm sure it showed. 

However, I felt like nothing that happened that night should have led to what followed... he ghosted me! Literally never heard from him again. I understand why he would do that, he didn't see it going anywhere and wanted to avoid an awkward conversation (thank you Cosmo for that insight) but seriously RAF on his behalf. 


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